We invite you to join Women's Health Specialists in partnership with the National Network of Abortion Funds and participate in our virtual Taco or Bev Challenge 2022. How do you join? It's simple, eat a taco, drink a beer, or any other local favorite you prefer then donate to Women's Health Specialists' abortion fund.
1. Eat a taco or drink a bev or any other snack of your choice and take a selfie or video.
2. Donate to Women's Health Specialists' Abortion Fund in the form to the right.
3. Post your selfie and tag us with a message about why you love your abortion fund!
Use #TOBC2022 #WINFUNDCA #CAWHS and tag us Women's Health Specialists - Feminist Women's Health Centers of California on Facebook or @womenshealthspecialists on Instagram!
4. Tag some friends and challenge them to join you!
Or host your own TOBC get-together to help raise funds for abortion access!

Your donation will go to the Women's Health Specialists' abortion fund (Women in Need Fund) and work to provide Northern California with abortion care and expand access to abortion. Remember to invest in community care!